martes, 19 de julio de 2011



A- Checking comprehension – True or false – correct the sentences when necessary

1. The narrator seems to quite like Richard Pratt, especially because of the way he describes him at the beginning of the story.
2. Mike does not seem to care what Richard thinks of the wine he serves at dinner.
3. Richard apparently likes Mike’s daughter, but she does not feel the same way and feels a bit uncomfortable while talking with him.
4. The perfect place in Mike’s house where to leave the wine to breathe had been chosen by Mike himself, with no help whatsoever.
5. The bet in the tale was not their first one.
6. The one who suggested increasing the bet was Mike.
7. Both Mike’s daughter and wife opposed his bet.
8. It’s not fully clear whether the servant was actually telling the truth or not.

B- Role-plays:
Situation 1: Deciding on the bet
Situation 2: What could take place at the end of the story
Situation 3: Richard trying the wine, Mike reacting, and servant coming in with the glasses.

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